OPM Disability Retirement: Reconsideration Decisions
Types of reconsideration decisions denying an applicant his or her Federal Disability Retirement benefits under FERS or CSRS can and do span the entire spectrum, depending upon the […]
Early Retirement for Injured Federal Employees
Types of reconsideration decisions denying an applicant his or her Federal Disability Retirement benefits under FERS or CSRS can and do span the entire spectrum, depending upon the […]
The problem with basing one’s future stability upon an “OWCP Paradigm”, or “model”, are multiple in nature. To begin with, you cannot work at another job while receiving OWCP temporary total disability payments. Thus, while […]
Like perennial plants, some issues continue to repeatedly crop up; once planted, they keep showing up in various question-forms. The one which needs to be addressed, again, is the “1-year” issue: there are actually two (2) questions which keep resurrecting […]
It is important to always “define”, “corner”, and “circumscribe” any denial from the Office of Personnel Management. If you do not, then what happens at the next level is that it becomes a “de novo” process. Now, one might argue that all disability retirement appeals to the Merit Systems […]
On those occasions when an OPM denial specifically (and correctly) identifies and asserts deficiencies in a disability retirement application, it is important to have a targeted response in addressing the denial. The reason for such a targeted approach is for […]
I get calls all the time by people who tell me that they thought their particular Federal Disability Retirement case was a “slam dunk”; that the medical documentation was there; that everything looked like it should be approved at the first level. […]
Your Federal disability retirement application was well-prepared: perhaps it was prepared with the help of an attorney; the medical documentation seemed solidly unequivocal; the doctor made the necessary connections […]
Perhaps it is an anomaly to even speak about the issue of “the responsibility” of the Office of Personnel Management — at least, from the general consensus of experiences as told by countless […]
Many people get confused when they first consult with an attorney about USPS or Federal Disability Retirement benefits. Indeed, before consulting with an attorney, an individual who […]
The road which leads to one’s future financial security is irreversibly tied to the extent of how affirmatively one takes one’s future into one’s own hand (now, that was indeed a mouthful). By this, I mean merely that, in preparing an application for Federal […]