Medical Retirement Benefits for US Government Employees: Sounds Good
There are various stages of the administrative process designated and defined as “Federal Disability Retirement” — the initial application stage of the process, where one must […]
Early Retirement for Injured Federal Employees
There are various stages of the administrative process designated and defined as “Federal Disability Retirement” — the initial application stage of the process, where one must […]
Albert Camus’ classic essay, “The Myth of Sisyphus”, involving the Greek mythological figure who was condemned by the gods to perform a meaningless task in repetitive perpetuity, […]
Hope is a peculiarly human characteristic; it is both a motivator and an incentive; yet, an unrealistic embracing of it, without reality-based assessments, can lead to a frail sense of overwhelming […]
One is often asked the question, “Where do I begin”? It is the question of pervasive immediacy, combining both exasperation at a process too complicated to comprehend and […]
Since prior to the time of Plato’s Dialogues, the questions distinguishing between “appearance” and “reality” have pervaded Western philosophical thought, and through that tradition, […]
Disparate facts, placed in the same vicinity, aggregated in order to formulate a composite of conceptual constructs, can provide to the recipient information concerning a specific issue, […]
In legal parlance, there are various and multitudinous “standards” — of proof; of evidence; of law, etc. Some have higher, more stringent requirements; others are considered fairly de minimis, […]
It is easy to give advice about pain when a person is feeling no pain; it is unwise to act upon it when one is in an extreme state of it. For, the former will often be disbelieving of the extent and […]
In preparing, formulating and filing for Federal Disability Retirement benefits from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, whether under FERS or CSRS, one must thoughtfully […]
Sometimes, regularity of activity is interrupted by what is generally deemed as “technical difficulties” and the common problems of life; and, indeed, for those who have noticed that the […]