OPM Disability Retirement: A Different Approach
Insanity is sometimes defined as the repetition of behavior despite evidence to the contrary. But if that is the accepted definition of insanity, most individuals would qualify and fit into […]
Early Retirement for Injured Federal Employees
Insanity is sometimes defined as the repetition of behavior despite evidence to the contrary. But if that is the accepted definition of insanity, most individuals would qualify and fit into […]
One often hears about administrative procedures — that they are somehow distinguishable from court cases, EEOC proceedings, grievances, etc., in that they are “non-adversarial” […]
The danger of any “sure thing” is that, aside from the potential reversal of fortune if the assumed certainty fails to come to fruition, the acceptance of the claim of certainty in and of itself […]
It is often a necessity to be reminded that the preparation, formulation, and ultimately the filing of a Federal Disability Retirement application under FERS or CSRS, with the U.S. Office of Personnel […]
The bureaucratic process identified as “Federal Disability Retirement” with the Office of Personnel Management is indeed a long, and often frustrating, endeavor to undertake. […]
Legal precedents are a necessary part of any process, and this is no less true when filing for Federal Disability Retirement benefits under FERS & CSRS. Some argue that legal citations and references […]
I have represented more people at the Reconsideration Stage of the Federal Disability Retirement process for FERS & CSRS employees, of Federal and Postal employees who file […]
Ultimately, it is the difficulty of encompassing and coordinating all of the administrative details which boggles the mind when one is confronted with filing for Federal Disability […]
The old saying: Measure twice, cut once, can be adapted here: Verify twice, submit once. I am always surprised by Federal and Postal employees who have filed for Federal Disability Retirement benefits under FERS or CSRS to hear that a […]
Have you ever heard the phrase, that “X is only as strong as the weakest link”? What does that mean? When applied to Federal Disability Retirement applications, it has significance and application […]