CSRS & FERS Medical Disability Retirement: The Aggregate of Conditions
In debate, there are two primary methodologies of attacking: the micro-approach, where each individual strand of an opponent’s argument is dismantled, leaving the opposition […]
Early Retirement for Injured Federal Employees
In debate, there are two primary methodologies of attacking: the micro-approach, where each individual strand of an opponent’s argument is dismantled, leaving the opposition […]
In preparing, formulating and filing a Federal Disability Retirement application under either FERS or CSRS, there are always unique aspects of particular medical conditions which impact […]
For Federal and Postal employees contemplating filing for Federal Disability Retirement benefits under FERS or CSRS, the 3-day weekend is a time of respite, recuperation and intermediate […]
Fridays constitute the day of victory for the Federal or Postal worker (unless, of course, the Postal Worker is scheduled for Saturday, or the Federal Worker is taking his or her work home) […]
There is a distinction to be made between one’s medical history and an extensive discussion of workplace issues which may have contributed to a causal impetus for a medical condition. […]
Federal Disability Retirement benefits under FERS or CSRS is oblivious and unconcerned with whether or not a particular medical condition occurred “on-the-job” or not. […]
In representing Federal and Postal employees for Federal Disability Retirement benefits under FERS or CSRS, one encounters multiple medical conditions, from the very severe […]
Attitudes toward various medical conditions change over time. This has certainly been the case with psychiatric medical conditions: Major Depression, Anxiety, panic attacks, […]
Changes in life occur at critical times, and whether the critical time-period is determined by the medical condition, or other events, what is always important is to take the affirmative […]
In filing a Federal Disability Retirement application, there is the “shotgun approach” — of peppering the application with any and all medical conditions which may prevent or otherwise impact […]