Medical Retirement for Federal Workers: A Federal Issue
For many legal issues which are encountered by most people, an attorney from the state within which he or she resides is necessary and proper. This is because the laws of each state […]
Early Retirement for Injured Federal Employees
For many legal issues which are encountered by most people, an attorney from the state within which he or she resides is necessary and proper. This is because the laws of each state […]
Previous articles and blogs have written quite extensively about the distinction and conceptual differentiation between information and knowledge, and the fact that exponential […]
Invisible demarcation lines exist within each area of law, and if one envisions each such area of law somewhat like circles in a Venn Diagram, one can picture an overlap (sometimes quite significant) […]
Every Federal and Postal Disability Retirement application under FERS or CSRS is unique because of the particular medical conditions which comprise the specific factual makeup […]
Beyond asking questions of one’s self (financial; employment; future; whether one will last until regular retirement, etc.), it is also important to take a two-step process in preparing for a disability […]