OPM Disability Retirement: Manufactured Legal Criteria
Even assuming good faith, the application of a manufactured legal criteria can lead to a harm which can be irreversible. The consequence of a Federal or Postal employee relying […]
Early Retirement for Injured Federal Employees
Even assuming good faith, the application of a manufactured legal criteria can lead to a harm which can be irreversible. The consequence of a Federal or Postal employee relying […]
Becoming distracted from the essential focus of an activity is a problem which we all face. In preparing, formulating and filing for Federal Disability Retirement benefits from the Office […]
The designation of the year as “2012” is, from a historical perspective, an artifice. Different countries and cultures have other methodologies of identifying the continuum and sequence […]
FMLA, or the “Family and Medical Leave Act”, allows for the Federal or Postal employee to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid (LWOP) leave during a 12 month period. It is “protective” measurement […]
The term, “oxymoron” comes from the Greek, meaning “sharp dull” — a phrase or concept which embraces two or more contradictory terms. When was the last time that the combination […]
For all of the Federal and Postal employees who are contemplating preparing, formulating or filing for Federal Disability Retirement benefits either under FERS or CSRS, it is important to […]
In assessing and evaluating friends, adversaries or neutral parties, it is important to analyze the self-interest of each, to understand the differing perspectives of the people involved, […]
Time is the basis and essence of frustration. Often, in becoming involved in the administrative process and procedure of preparing, formulating and filing for Federal Disability Retirement […]
The quality and characteristic of “stubbornness” encompasses a refusal to be persuaded by logic, reason, or any other similarly acceptable criteria of linguistic methodology normally […]
In every area of law, in most facets of life, and certainly in the administrative procedures of preparing, formulating and filing for Federal Disability Retirement benefits either under FERS or CSRS […]