Last Updated on November 28, 2014 by FERS Disability Attorney
It usually refers to paints, but is technically an acid used to form polymers, and may be mixed in order to manufacture compound elements for plastic and other synthetic products. The second part of the short alliteration refers to the bitterness which develops when failure, or a perceived failure, begins to gnaw at the edges of sanity. The slow, incremental, eating away at a life of accomplishment and productivity, can come when once the self-discipline of setting insurmountable parameters has been ignored or otherwise untended. Bitterness is a state of regret, reserved for old men and furies left uncontrolled.
Acrylic acrimonies, then, describes a state of being where a kaleidoscope of bursting colors coalesce with a temperament sharpened by disappointment. Such conceptual compounds can be creatively presented, in order to provide a framework for a mellifluous flow of linguistic metaphor. For, as sudden and unexpected events in a person’s life can cut short an expectation of future accomplishments yet to be realized, so acrylic acrimonies can provide a scented dye to a life once calm and collected.
Medical conditions tend to bring out the acrylic acrimonies festering below the surface of a calm aptitude of competence. For, whatever diagnosis is ascribed to a given medical condition, the mystery of deterioration still scares us. The turmoil that one must undergo when confronting a medical condition further exacerbates the state of disarray. For the Federal employee or the U.S. Postal worker who suffers from a medical condition, such that the medical condition begins to impact one’s ability and capacity to perform all of the essential elements of one’s positional duties, it may be time to file for Federal Disability Retirement benefits through the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, whether the Federal or Postal employee is under FERS, CSRS or CSRS Offset.
The explosion of acrylic acrimonies may burst forth and be forever unconstrained, and thereby destructive beyond the intended beauty which color and paint should represent. As red represents the color of anger, and blue the morose hue of anguish, so bitterness should remain a lonely stranger unfulfilled lest an artificial compound synthesizes forever a sense of disappointment in life.
Medical conditions can be traumatic; but the trauma of destruction through illness or disability can be somewhat ameliorated if one can reach a period of rehabilitation where the interruption of a career can become a plateau of peace. Filing for Federal or Postal Disability Retirement benefits can allow for the beginning of a new phase in life. Getting from the trauma of a medical condition to the receipt of an approval from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, is the goal to attain that level of peace. Leave behind the acrylic acrimonies for others to step into; it’s not worth the price of the can of paint.
Robert R. McGill, Esquire
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Thank you for the eloquent psychology of the mind’s disquiet when life is interrupted by unexpected and unexplained medical events. A remarkable characteristic of a federal manager/team leader is one capable of recognizing the kaleidoscope of emotion an employee is blanketed by during a life changing event. The compassion exhibited by a leader is never forgotten. Of course, the flip side is the manager who avoids contact with an employee experiencing a life threatening event. That manager/leader is never forgotten, either.