Last Updated on July 21, 2022 by FERS Disability Attorney
Like wildflowers, there is something about ideas that have a tendency towards coming in bunches. And, like wildflowers and ideas, we have a further notion that misfortune, likewise, comes in droves and groupings.
Is that a Law of Nature, or merely an observation that has no logical foundation or factual basis? Didn’t that neighbor down the street get hit by a car, and at the same time — within a week of such a tragic event — lose his wife and 3 kids? Wasn’t it Uncle Billy who stepped on a nail, and with a few days had his house burglarized and his dog shot in the process? And surely we recall that movie star who drank himself silly one night and then mistook a shadow for a stranger when it turned out to be his girlfriend’s best friend who shot him in the arm and then took her own life?
These we all recall; and like Hume’s dictum that causality is nothing more than mere combinations of repetitive occurrences, we fail to recognize the silent workings of events unfolding which quietly and subtly fester in the unknown universe of our own ignorance; and yet, when they come to the fore, we relate one to the other. But ideas are different; they do, indeed, come in bunches, perhaps because the creative energy lagging behind suddenly realizes that potentiality can be actualized when for all those years they remained as stagnant molecules lost in a world of microscopic insignificance.
So, that being said, here are a bunch of ideas: For Federal and Postal workers who believe that the medical condition suffered cannot be accommodated, why not file for Federal Disability Retirement benefits? What if you weren’t even aware of such a benefit? What if the benefit is not widely circulated, never trumpeted and rarely announced?
You have 1 year from the date of separation from service to file, and as it takes a significant amount of time to properly prepare, formulate and file an effective Federal Disability Retirement application, if might be a good idea to consult with an attorney who specializes in Federal Disability Retirement Law — lest the ideas that come in bunches turn out to be bad luck that arrive in groupings; for, in that case, it is certainly time to consider that one’s destiny depends entirely upon actions taken, and not upon ignoring the signs of misfortune that do, indeed, come in bunches.
Robert R. McGill, Esquire
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