Last Updated on April 19, 2010 by FERS Disability Attorney
When a denial is received for an Application for Federal or Postal Disability Retirement benefits under FERS or CSRS, sometimes they are replete with comical “errors” and omissions. Thus, anywhere from mistaken identities, to wrong job identifications, to the wrong doctors named; from medical conditions which were never claimed, to diagnostic tests and surgeries which were never submitted; these are just some examples of errors and omissions which one might find in the body of the “Discussion” in an OPM denial letter. The reflexive temptation is to put together a string of harangues and accuse the OPM Representative of incompetence, incoherence, ineptitude, and inability to perform the essential element of his or her job. Such a reflexive response would be the wrong tact to take, however. One should refrain from making such “ad hominem” attacks. Instead, the better way to go about it would be to politely point out the major errors, the omissions of any medical or other substantiating documentation, in an understated way, then to argue the main points that need to be argued to rebut the denial letter. While the former methodology may make you feel good, in the end, it is an approval which will prove to be of lasting elation.
Robert R. McGill, Esquire
attorney representing federal workers for disability throughout the United States,
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if the opm doesn't have a real reason to deny your disability,
illogical errors in your opm denial letter,
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Keeping Emotionalism to a Minimum,
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misinterpretation or misapplication of OPM disability law,
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OPM Disability Application,
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OPM unreasonable denial,
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Post Office disability,
Postal disability retirement,
pragmatic methodology,
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representing federal employees in and outside the country,
resources for injured federal workers,
Responding to an Initial Federal Disability Retirement Denial of Benefits,
selectively rebutting some of opm's reasons for denial,
setting aside emotionalism after the opm denial of disability benefits,
setting emotions aside during the opm disability process,
The Denial at the First Stage,
the dreaded denial letter,
the opm's decision to approve or deny federal disability retirement,
the strategies and problems on discerning what's relevant in an opm denial letter,
USPS Disability,
USPS disability retirement benefits,
working around an OPM application for disability denial