Last Updated on December 14, 2016 by Robert McGill
I am often asked if other legal processes already filed — an EEOC Complaint, a corollary adverse action being appealed, etc. — will have an impact upon a Federal Disability Retirement application. My general answer is, “No, it will not have an effect upon filing for Federal Disability Retirement.”
The second question which often follows, is: What if the EEOC filing contradicts the Federal Disability Retirement application? While the full answer to such a question will differ from case to case, depending upon the peculiar and particular circumstances of each individual case and application, my standard response to the second question will often contain a responsive query: Have you ever heard of an attorney speaking out of two or three (or four) sides of his mouth?
As attorneys, we make multiple (and sometime contradictory) arguments all the time. I am not concerned with the factual or legal arguments in a concurrent/parallel EEOC case; my job is to make sure that my client obtains a disability retirement — and if it somewhat contradicts the arguments made in an EEOC complaint, so be it — for, after all, I’m merely an attorney, and such inherent contradictions only prove the fact that lawyers have at least four sides to every mouth.
Robert R. McGill, Esquire
abusive supervisors and federal disabled workers,
administrative or adversarial process,
Advanced Notice of Proposed Removal (Notice),
adverse actions while in OWCP,
adverse agency action,
being removed from the federal sector,
bullying postal supervisor and the injured federal employee,
civil service eeoc and accommodation issues,
disability retirement for federal employees,
disability retirement from the USPS,
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federal employee attorney,
federal employees disability,
fers disability and other legal lawsuits or complaints,
FERS Disability Application,
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harassment in the Postal Service,
harassment is not a medical issue,
injured federal employee,
injured postal workers,
interaction between an eeo complaint and an opm case,
legal processes impacts on the opm disability claim,
legal representation for injured federal workers,
medical compensation for federal and postal workers,
no lawsuit is necessary to get federal employee disability,
opm disability and federal discrimination cases,
OPM disability retirement,
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Postal disability,
postal office disability,
postal supervisor intimidation,
retaliation against the injured ill federal employee worker,
supervisor's statements and defamation,
supervisors' revenge against Postal workers,
the venom of the supervisor,
to be financially and psychologically ready for the process,
uncertain future for the injured federal worker,
USPS a culture of fear and intimidation,
usps disability benefits,
usps disability is supposed to be administrative non adversarial procedure,
USPS disability retirement,
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washington dc fers disability retirement,
when a opm claim contradicts another legal process,
work injury then supervisor harassment at us federal agencies
my eeoc case is up for review. how do i know what classification it is in, or if i will get a probable causes?