Last Updated on March 12, 2019 by FERS Disability Attorney
There is a fascination with master chefs; the process itself — from a gathering of various food items and the preparation for the grand feast; through the selection and addition of various additives and extras; to the final product that results from the “touch of the master” — which is why entire series of shows are devoted to mass audiences for viewing with a trance-like interest, whether in the monosyllabic tone of various British series that articulate with accented sophistication, to the fiery tempers of showmanship in this country; for many, it is the show of choice, and it all begins with a recipe — or not.
For most of us, there has to be a foundation to begin with — some semblance of an order of ingredients to follow, instructions to abide by and a step-by-step direction in which to proceed. Otherwise, we are lost as to what will turn out, and whether the end product is even edible.
Cooking at any level of sophistication can be quite revealing as to the character and personality of an individual: Does one stick religiously to the letter of the recipe? How creative is a person on the first go-around? Is precise measurement the steps to follow, or is an “approximation” the greater methodology — a dash here, a sprinkle there, an overflowing cup or less than a tablespoon, depending upon the desire of one’s palate? And when everything is mixed — does it have to be sequential? Why must the onions be mixed in before the carrots? How does the mixture itself know whether you put in the garlic before the parsley?
For Federal employees and U.S. Postal workers who are considering preparing, formulating and filing a Federal Disability Retirement application, to be submitted to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, the thing to consider is not whether or not there is a “recipe book” to prepare an effective FERS Disability Retirement application, but whether there is a “master chef” out there who can pull all of the “ingredients” together to make the “best dish” possible.
To that extent, there is a similarity between cooking and filing an effective Federal Disability Retirement application: A good attorney who specializes in FERS Disability Retirement is likened to the master chef, and while good ingredients always matter, by whom it is prepared can make all the difference.
Robert R. McGill, Esquire
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