Last Updated on November 20, 2009 by FERS Disability Attorney
One would think that the Human Resources Department of the Agency from which a Federal or Postal employee is attempting to file a Federal Disability Retirement application, would be a “helpful” entity. It is indeed a baffling phenomena when one pauses and reflects upon it: What is the purpose of the Human Resources Department? Specifically, what existential purpose does a person serve, who has a positional designation of “Disability Retirement Specialist”? Let me attempt to answer the question in the way it is supposed to be answer: 1. The purpose of the Human Resources Department is to help the Federal and Postal employees of the Agency or Department of which they have been established. 2. The person who holds the designated job entitled, “Disability Retirement Specialist” is one who, theoretically, is there to assist in any way, within the legal confines established by the Agency, in as much as possible, to help the Federal or Postal employee to finalized and complete the disability retirement packet for submission to the Office of Personnel Management. Now, let me pose the following hypothetical: an H.R. person calls up and says, “I cannot forward the disability retirement packet because Box Number ___ on Standard Form _____ has not been checked.” Does this sound like the Human Resources Department is fulfilling the existential purpose for which it was established? On the other hand, rhetorical questions are fun to ask, precisely because they are rhetorical, and allow one to expiate some build-up of frustrations on a Friday night, after a long week dealing with multiple agencies. Have a good weekend.
Robert R. McGill, Esquire
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