Federal & Postal Disability Retirement: Comfort in regularity

Last Updated on December 31, 2021 by FERS Disability Attorney

We thrive and relish in it, despite our protestations to the contrary; and while most of us utter monologues denouncing the boredom of imposed seclusion, and for fleeting moments envy the adventurer, the person constantly living “on the edge”, and that proverbial black sheep who seems to wander from aimless job to dead-end ones, the majority of the population is resigned to being sheep-like, and not as the leader of some revolt in a mixed-martial arts thriller produced by some B-rated company, where action is the main course of the film and the storyline is secondary to the quantification of explosions and missed punches.

Though we hate to admit it, there is comfort in regularity; that is why commercial advertisements touting future security, investment devices and retirement funds are so popular and enthralling to millions.  It is the constancy of life that attracts and allows for the lowering of blood pressure levels.  Yes, there has always been an evolutionary purpose for the heightened response to an adrenaline charge, but that entailed circumstances involving a sudden need to react to predatory dangers and emergency appraisals of hair-raising conduits.  The remainder of the time was spent in preparation, of availing one’s self to the “what-ifs” and determining the future course of actions in a chaotic state of existence.

Perhaps, such motivational compulsions are yet revived and necessary in those war-torn nations from whence the immigration problems have recently arisen; and in those perennial wild-fires in the western regions of the country, when homes are suddenly evacuated and disappear into the glowing embers of a crestfallen night; but within the parameters of such exceptional circumstances, the rest of the populous finds comfort in regularity.  That is why an impending and intervening medical condition can be so disconcerting.

For Federal employees and U.S. Postal workers who suffer from a medical condition, such that the medical condition necessitates the preparation, formulation and filing of an effective Federal Disability Retirement application, whether the Federal or Postal employee is under FERS, CSRS or CSRS Offset, the point of engaging the entire process with the bureaucratic behemoth called the U.S. Office of Personnel Management is precisely to get beyond that point of crisis and discomfort, and to reach that further juncture of regularity.

Once a Federal Disability Retirement application is approved by OPM, then the Federal or Postal employee can consider the next steps into an uncertain future within that comfort in regularity.  First things first; prepare the Federal Disability Retirement application properly; get the Federal Disability Retirement approved; then, prioritize those things that are most important in life – i.e., health, to begin with; and on to the next challenge of life, where we may find relative comfort in regularity.


Robert R. McGill, Esquire
Postal & Federal Employee Retirement Attorney