Last Updated on March 14, 2022 by FERS Disability Attorney
As with most administrative dealings with the government (Federal, State or local), the process itself is a frustrating one. Filing for Federal Disability Retirement benefits under FERS or CSRS is a process which necessarily entails patience, and along with it, a quiet frustration because of the multiple levels of administrative procedures which one must undergo.
I recently went and watched the De Caprio movie, Inception, which involves a complex and convoluted plot-line of attempting to convince an heir to a great business fortune, to break up the company. The way to convince the young heir was to involve him in a dreamworld of mental constructs without his knowing it, and to plant an idea into his subconscious that he should break up the company, and thereby fail to compete with another company. If the short “telling” of this plot line is confusing and convoluted itself, you may imagine how the movie itself is. Yet, at an IMAX Theater, it was enjoyable, and my son certainly enjoyed it.
The point here is that the convoluted process of getting from point A to point B, is to take a simple conceptual paradigm and make it into a confusing morass of a long and involved movie. Filing for Federal Disability Retirement has that same sense of the absurd; of a process which is convoluted beyond a simple concept; and the waiting part is the most frustrating of all. Then, when the end comes, either with an initial denial or an approval, it is anti-climactic.
Robert R. McGill, Esquire
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