Last Updated on January 28, 2010 by FERS Disability Attorney
Communication is the key to all avenues of success. It is important to communicate to the Office of Personnel Management the primary diagnoses, the significant symptoms; the extent of treatment modalities; the essential elements of one’s job, etc. Communication can become ineffective, however, if too many insignificant and peripheral facts and information are conveyed. If an OPM representative finds that there are too many generalities and fluff, the effectiveness of the essential medical condition may be lost in the vast volume of information.
Further, it is important that the client and the attorney communicate; for it is the attorney who stands in the place of the Applicant, in conveying the important and essential information to the Office of Personnel Management, or to an Administrative Judge at the Merit Systems Protection Board. Thus, if an individual is removed from an agency, that is critical and vital information which must be immediately conveyed to the Attorney, so that the attorney can make the decision, in consultation with the client, as to what to do with the information. Communication is the key to success in every endeavor, and getting a Federal Disability Retirement application approved requires the utmost of communication.
Robert R. McGill, Esquire
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