Early Retirement for Injured Federal Employees
We all make mistakes; that is a given, and one of life’s irrefutable truisms. Aside from the Pope and the untouchables in the movie industry, errors are committed daily, and spouses are there to make sure that we recognize the ill-conceived nature of perfection’s boast, no matter how much we try and cover them up. An error is forgivable; a repeated error, sometimes laughed at; but errors […]
Two or more meanings can be gleaned, often depending upon the emphasis one places upon the sequence of words uttered. One is the experience of the state itself; the other, the active phenomena in the presence of now. In either form, the clear implication embraces the state of anguish, whether in a living state, or by living it. […]
It is perhaps the single telling factor of a generational divide; if you own a landline, it is likely you are not a millennial. Or from the generation just before, or even the one before that. You are probably from the generation sometime within the timeframe of “just after” the Korean War and around the end of the Vietnam War. It is the remembrance of unreliable “bag” phones and cellular connections that barely became audible; but more than that, it is the evidence of who one is based upon the generational divide […]
As activity is the fingerprint of life, and inertia denotes death (or at least a somnolence of sluggishness), so the parallelism between thought and life follows the logic of movement versus progressive decomposition. Thinking, according to Aristotelian tradition, constitutes the essence of human-ness. Other species may have characteristics which define and distinguish; […]
Even of the most craven of personhood, as they walk the disquieted corridors to the gallows of their fate, one continues to believe that redemption is possible; that there is some segment of the soul which allows for the relative unimportance of value, worth, forgiveness and continuing relevance in an otherwise impervious universe. Most lives are lived without a grand master plan. But that we could all devise and lay out the architect’s blueprint of proportioned drawings and apply it to one’s future, the very act of unrolling the scrolls of time would be accomplished with childlike anticipation for the sweetness of that which is hidden in the wrappers of one’s future. […]
The state of the intermediate, the surreal loss of traction in suspended animation; of trying to jog on ice, or to reach a destination traveling on a treadmill; this is a sense one is left with in dealing with a juggernaut of a bureaucratic morass. In this day of immediacy, where the instant satisfaction of wants and the now of gratifications is met and reinforced by the push of a key, the click of a mouse, and touch of a sensor; and as virtue is no longer looked upon as a necessary ingredient of character, […]